432/440 the truth

New paragraphThe 432 hertz Music Revolution and DNA:

A Nazi propaganda minister named Joseph Goebbels created a universal decree in 1939, whereby he required everyone to tune instruments to musical A at 440 Hertz, instead of 432 Hz, a frequency at which all music was in tune until that moment. From 1939 until today, this frequency has been used as a standard. This causes people to have a determined way of thinking and feeling, and they are kept subject to internal disorder. In 1953, Goebbels' decree was approved by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO 16:1975).

This happened despite the efforts of a large number of French musicians who, supported by the Paris Conservatory, organized a referendum to preserve 432 Hz tuning.

I thought I didn't have an ear, but since I have intuition when I tune my guitar it is in the old standard.

The tuning to 432hz has been hidden from the world, because it is the point of sound balance in nature. 432 Hz vibrates in the principles of the golden ratio j (phi) and unifies the properties of light, time, space, matter, gravity and magnetism with biology, the DNA code and consciousness.

Natural tuning to 432 Hz has profound effects on consciousness and also at the cellular level of our body.

“By re-tuning musical instruments and using concert tuning at 432 Hz instead of 440 Hz, your atoms and DNA begin to resonate in harmony with Nature's j-spiral.” (Brian T. Collins)

All the music we listen to right now generates a frequency that is inharmonious with the planet and the human organism. A note has 12 harmonics, because it resonates with the 12 notes of the musical scale (including semitones and sharps). The notes are 12 harmonics long when a note played is tuned to 432 Hz. When you play a note tuned to 440 Hz, it will only be 8 harmonics long. Music tuned to 440 Hz is very poor music. The frequency of planet Earth is 8 Hz. Alpha waves, the frequency of the brain in a state of deep relaxation, are waves at 8 Hz. Tuning to 440 Hz makes the base not 8, otherwise 8' 25, which means that the harmonics generated are not in resonance with the planet. The Human Being operates in a frequency range which goes from 16 to 32 Hertz, which is equivalent in the musical scale, from DO to DO, or indeed, an octave. Tuning to 440 Hz also does not resonate with the Human Being's frequency because the base is 16.5.

The first physical alteration that we can notice after listening to music for a long time is weariness and fatigue, a desire to do nothing, and this happens because the harmonics of the music do not adjust with the vibrational frequency of the music. 'To be human.

The frequency at which music tuned to 440 Hz subjects us makes us feel insecurity, fear, anxiety and internal disorder.

It was good for our Masters that Humanity was plunged into darkness.

If music is not in harmony with the planet, it is not in harmony with the Human Being and, as a result, alterations occur in both.

To prevent this from continuing to happen, we should tune the music to 432 Hz. And we can do this by running all our music through the computer and using a program that lowers the frequency.

The performances will be a little slower, but this is almost imperceptible. There are computer programs that are used to handle, edit and record music. For example, the Mac one, “Garage Band”. Then, this music must be burned onto a DVD instead of a CD, because CDs do not have the capacity to handle 12 harmonics, they only handle 8, and that would be pointless, because 4 harmonics would be cut. Music burned on a CD is sharp, hard, cold, on the other hand, burned on a DVD, it is warmer because it allows recording with the 12 harmonics.

But why complicate things? You find good music by typing “432 htz music”

By means of the sound frequencies contained in music, we can modify the functioning of a living being, in other words, heal and improve the human body.

Ancient people and civilizations knew the power of music and sound. However, someone has been busy burying and hiding this powerful knowledge, changing the frequency of music from the original 432 Hz to the current 440 Hz. Let's find out when and why, and we will reclaim music for health and consciousness human.

As an integral element of our Universe, the human body is composed of cells, which in turn are composed of atoms; these atoms interact and operate based on the energy received, which includes the energy produced by sound waves. The 432 Hz of sound oscillate and vibrate on the principles of natural harmonic wave propagation and are unified with the properties of light, space, matter, gravity and electromagnetism. The Sun, Saturn, Moon and Earth exhibit mathematical proportions of the number 432. A concert with a frequency of 432 Hz can have profound positive effects on our consciousness and on our cellular body. By re-tuning musical instruments to 432 Hz instead of the current 440, we can feel the difference when consciousness is connected to natural resonance.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Take great care when converting and burning 432 Hz music using formats like MP3, since these formats, which compress the audio, lose important sound frequencies in the process and only worthless musical sound remains. therapeutic. It is instead recommended to use the WAV format without compression in 432 Hz recordings.

Science has begun to rediscover the secrets of resonance and its impact on our health. As beings of consciousness, we depend on natural resonance to attract what we desire in order to achieve love, happiness, personal development, health and abundance, given that we are not separate vibrations that are interdependent in positive resonance to maintain and tune our state of mind and health to achieve these goals. They kept this a secret for a long time, but it has now escaped their attention.

The frequency change to 440 was made despite the fact that Professor Dussaut of the Paris Conservatory launched a referendum signed by 23,000 French musicians who were in favor of preservation at 432 Hz, to preserve musical harmony with musical vibration of the universe.

Since then we have used the A = 440Hz tuning. Classical (old) works were composed for an LA tone at 432Hz. Now you explain to yourself why Mozart's music contributes to the development of intelligence, internal harmony of people, increased extrasensory perception? There are currently those who are trying to return to Earth's frequency 432 Hz. An example: PinkFloyd.

Music is capable of moving large amounts of energy, producing a great expansion of the occult developmental potential within each of us and our natural talents.

At 432 Hz you will instantly see that you start to feel calm and your body will relax.
At 440 Hz your body tenses up and your instinct can sense that these 440 Kz are unnatural.
Research indicates that music must be based on natural cosmic tuning frequencies of the universe if it is to be beneficial to humanity. Thus, it would have an “organic” principle. The Schiller Institute again calls for a change in tone from 440 Hz to 432 Hz, since it is deeply intertwined with nature.

The recent rediscovery of the true vibrational nature of energy indicates that the use of 440 Hz tuning creates an intentional unhealthy effect in the environment and in living beings. This produces an out-of-nature, 8 Hz change in the way we think and how our DNA regulates our genetic makeup. The brain and DNA are deeply plugged into 432 through the procession of the equinoxes and cosmic 8 Hz frequencies.

The tone A = 432 Hz is the foundation of music; The intelligent concept in nature has a harmonic basis in the 432 vibrations per second or Hz (Hertz). A measured natural phenomenon that reinforces the idea that the 432 Hz are intertwined into an organic basis for the movements of the Sun and Saturn. Furthermore, we can establish that the true origin of the measurement of a second comes from the movement of the Sun. There are further studies based on planetary movement and harmonic tones that tend to reinforce the "organic" based on 432 Hz as a solid foundation of musical structure and regulation of our health. Since the appearance of this secret information, there has been research carried out by many people, such as Ananda Bosman or Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones, on the positive effects on the public, with these 432 Hz frequencies.


Music at 432 Hz transmutes and heals the soul, mind and body:

The human heart (heartbeat)
The DNA double helix (replication frequency)
Maximum brain function: bi-hemispheric synchronization (both hemispheres of the brain)
The fundamental heartbeat of the planet (fundamental resonance of the Schumann cavity)
The musical geometry of Creation.

The current tuning of music based on 440 Hz is not in harmony with any level that corresponds to cosmic movement, rhythm or natural vibration. The difference between 440 Hz and 432 Hz is a mere 8 vibrations per second or Hz, but, from experience, it is a difference perceptible to human consciousness.

The lack of intonation, of musical tuning with the frequencies of the universe, is one more factor which generates an imbalance in the harmony of our society, of our own Being.

Thus, music opens doors to dimensions that allow us to feel joy, peace, positive emotions.

And when music lacks harmony... it sharpens negative emotions, it motivates revolt, negativity... consequently, blockages in your energy, which promotes physical illnesses.

Music allows us to tune into the knowledge of the universe around us from a more intuitive point of view, towards an awakening to new levels of consciousness and knowledge. If you listen to music at a frequency of 432 Hz, you automatically enter into harmony with the Whole.

“Natural tuning to 432 Hz has profound effects on consciousness and also at the cellular level of our body. By re-tuning musical instruments and using concert tuning at 432 Hertz instead of 440 Hertz, your atoms and DNA begin to resonate in harmony with the j-spiral of nature.”

The sound produced is a balm, an amplifier and a transmutant, even for our cells. Perform music in this way and one becomes extraordinarily active and alive! By singing at this frequency, it resonates within us, our capacity for expression expands, by releasing the emotional charge from energetic blockages, we direct the use of the mind, not to mention the expansion of consciousness.

So it's better to sing with your soul and you are sure to produce healing sounds!

There are people who intend to make this better known through worldwide broadcasting, because now is the time when it will be possible for humanity to flourish, thanks to the beauty and strength of splendor of what we really are: beings of marvelous cosmic co-creation. Music and singing are the most powerful means; this can succeed because sound is the primary deliverance by which the entire Universe was created and continues to harmonize.


The best way to feel the difference of 432 Hz music is to experience it. For example, you could listen to Johann Pachelbel's Canon in D major in its most commercial version and then look for it in its 432 Hz version. Give it a try.


Very easy, you just have to download the free Audacity program from the Internet.

Link to the official location: http://audacity.sourceforge.net/

To get started, click “download Audacity 3.1.2” latest version of November 2021

Let's get started: once installed on your computer, open the program and follow the following procedure:

Clicking “Archives – opening”, you select the song and it appears as a graph (a wave-like wave).
Click “Edit – Select All”, you will see that the screen begins to darken.
Click “Effect - Change tone” In the semitones, write the value: -0.32; as a percentage, the value: -1.818.
Click “Accept” Export to .WAV file and select where to archive the song. Export it as WAV format and not as mp3, because in the WAV wave format the frequencies are not compressed, on the other hand in the mp3 format they are compressed and the fundamental harmonic is inhibited, because some necessary frequencies are cut .
You can burn songs in WAV format onto a disc and play it on any device that allows it. So, we hope that this simple tutorial will help you have your music collection in 432 Hz.

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